Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Paperwork Wrap Up

I met Pat and Lee for lunch at La Provence for a final wrap up of the NM state solar paperwork. It was literally the first time we could all three get together since the system was turned on.  After we ate, they presented me with an incredibly detailed notebook full of all the documentation associated with out solar project. What a great idea! All the information is right there--manuals, proposals, contracts, etc. They even included examples of how to fill out the state and federal tax forms to ensure I get the full solar credit. Also, they're delivering the state solar forms to Santa Fe...I didn't do anything but sign them! Once again I have to say it; don't give these folks your business if you enjoy hassles, b/c there just aren't any that you, the customer, have to concern yourself with...they do it all for you! Pat likes to say that it should be easy to go solar, and with Better World, it certainly is. Okay, I'll stop gushing now.

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