Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Important Notice

We received an "IMPORTANT NOTICE" from CNMEC dated 12/09/2010 threatening to disconnect our service if we did not pay a delinquent amount of $50.75 by 12/27. When we finally got to the bottom of this, it turned out to be an accounting error which resulted from Pat and Jeremy getting approval for our service upgrade (a $50 fee). Michelle and I believe that the Coyote, who is the trickster in some Native American lore, has been playing with us ever since we moved to New Mexico 6 1/2 years ago. He is definitely at work with this project, as he has been on several past projects. The gas fireplace we had put in was the first example of Coyote's power to cause chaos, but that's another story.

Pat checked in again as he does daily with a report of no news on the engineer-plans-permit front. Tick tock, tick tock, the year is almost over, and I was hoping to get the solar system up and running before year's end in order to recoup the 30% Federal and 10% state tax credit. We've had amazing weather the last few weeks, and I keep thinking about all those photons going to waste, bouncing pointlessly off the roof of my barn. --sigh--

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