Monday, December 27, 2010

Not so Fast

The barn is to the northwest of the main house
Original plat

So, today I went to see Pat with the updated drawings and then on to the county building inspectors. I was psyched; this would be a breeze. Hah! Coyote is still at work. I didn't even get past the first tier. Turns out I need a site plan. How do I do that, I asked. It was decided that a modified plat would be good enough. Drove back home and dug through all the papers I could find. I found closing docs on houses we had from the 80s and 90s, but nothing for our current house. Finally got ahold of Michelle who directed me to THE ONE BOX I HAD NOT FOUND (of course). Got the plat and faxed it to Pat. He and Lee are going to make me a nice site plan by combining the plat with Google Earth imagery, even though it's not their problem. Such nice people! I'll try again on Wednesday...

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